Isn't this amazing? After Quilt Festival in Long Beach, I (finally) met my online buddy Rhoda. We planned a day away, just talking, taking photos, sight seeing, and getting to know one another.
Imagine my surprise when I walked into the hotel room and Rhoda had hung this banner! Each letter is a separate mini quilt, joined by a cording through loops on the top.
Rhoda made this as a response to some door prize goodies I sent for a conference she coordinated in March. She had everyone at the conference sign the panels and then quilted, bound, and mounted them!
I was really touched. She really put those Photoshop skills from my online workshop to good use! This is the link, if you'd like to check it out http://www.quilterskeeplearning.com
Rhoda, thank you so much for your thoughtful gift. You are an amazing person and I'm so glad the Internet gave us the opportunity to be friends!