Happy Mother's Day! Aren't these beautiful? DS Jake gave me two dozen roses in glorious mixed color for my birthday (May 7th) and Mother's Day.
The sun is shining here in Northern Indiana and the blustery wind has died down. It's only 50 degrees this morning, but at least it LOOKS like spring. LOL!
Today we'll go to see my mother in the rehab center. She was so tired yesterday from physical and occupational therapy, she didn't even want lunch. Fortunately, she was convinced to eat to help her regain strength, but pooped out less than halfway through afternoon Bingo. When I left, she was in bed and dozing off. She'll be glad to see Jake!
If you signed up to be part of the Fabric Magic test team, be sure to send me your e-mail address. It looks like the package will include a bottle of Fabric Magic, two bottles of Colorant, a project sheet, and test instructions. Shipping should be about $5 within the US.
More info later!