I drove to Longmont, Colorado today—to a charming little bungalow on a street lined with small businesses housed in what used to be a residential neighborhood.

My destination was the studio and gallery of KC Willis, cowgirl and mixed-media artist. I've admired KC's Lipstick Ranch artwork for years and was thrilled to find she lived so close to my daughter and her family.

KC (left) and ranch hand Betsy (right) greet visitors with brilliant smiles and a real enthusiasm for their work.

KC stands beside a fabric collage made to honor the spirit of painter Georgia O'Keeffe. KC values strong women—women with skills, women with heart, women with sass!

The light streams through the windows of KC's gallery, dancing on the walls and calling attention to the fabric collage.

KC, Betsy, and sometimes KC's mother work together to create more than 1200 mixed-media fabric collages for catalogs, shops, and private commissions every year!

Recently, KC has opened her studio to workshops, in addition to the other work.

Notice the beautiful frame on the wall and standing on the floor. KC's husband handcrafts these beautiful wooden pieces!

Part of her secret to success is offering collection pieces in various sizes and various prices. This is just one tip from her upcoming online marketing seminar.

Faithful companion Fiona greets visitors with a friendly wag of the tail and keeps KC company in the studio.
For more information about KC's Lipstick Ranch collection and online workshops, visit her Ning website http://studioretreats.ning.com/page/visiting-artists-classes
Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lipstick-Ranch-The-Art-of-KC-Willis/91032020893?v=feed&story_fbid=173663281494
My only regret of the day is that KC's studio is so far from mine, I won't get to see her very often! She is a kindred spirit and I treasure the time we had together today. You can bet I'll be making my way back to the Denver area again ASAP!