Can this photo be saved? It’s crooked and skewed and not of the quality to submit to a competition or exhibition jury.
Yesterday, Lori and I taught a workshop as an introduction to Photoshop/Photoshop Elements at a local art gallery. What fun it was to see people of various ages and backgrounds come together to explore the application—and see how it applied to each person!
We spent some time getting to know the participants, their experience with Photoshop and digital artwork, and what they hoped to glean from the workshop. There was a young mom wanting to create the best photo of her children, a professional photographer wanting to touch up portraits, and several people falling somewhere in between.
We covered so much in four hours, although I had prepared enough for about two 8-hour days. LOL! Everyone seemed to grasp the concepts we covered, and has an outline to guide them in further explorations.
If you’re interested, the next session of Beginning Photoshop Elements (6-weeks) and Intermediate Photoshop Elements (4 weeks) begins February 13. There is even a sample class you can download immediately to get a feel for the class format. Check it out at www.quilterskeeplearning.com.
Are you in a quilt teacher's directory or on a list? I just joined www.quiltprofessionals.com. Yet another way to spread the word and (hopefully) make a living doing what I love to do. Please let me know if you know of other lists. Marketing will be important this year!