Sunday, October 11, 2009

Displacement Map Video!!!

Yes! Yes! I know I'm suppose to be working on taxes, but the thought of making a video about using displacement maps has been flooding my head and I just couldn't wait any longer!!

Here is a link to a Jing video I just made, showing where to find and how to apply displacement maps in Photoshop Elements and Photoshop.
The image in the video is the same one used for the padfolio in the photo from yesterday's posting.

Just click on the link, or copy it and paste it into your browser, and it will take you to Screencast, where the video is stored. Click on the arrow and you should have audio as well as video. If you're on dial-up, there may be occasional pauses as the file is accessed slower than if you're on cable or DSL.

There have been so many comments on C&T Publishing's blog, on this one, and questions from various discussion groups about the displacement maps, I just HAD to share this with you! Displacement maps don't seem to be a popular feature in Photoshop or Photoshop Elements. Even some graphic designers don't know about them, let alone use them.

Hope you enjoy the video. Let me know if you have questions!