Some say I'm a woman of few words—until it comes to sharing art techniques and ideas! This is the cover of my new book!! Yahoo!
It is available on Amazon, although it won't be available until some time in October.
Isn't the color on the cover awesome? C&T Publications did an outstanding job on the cover art as well as the chapter openers and illustrations inside!
Keep watching this blog. I'll be announcing a give-away in the next few weeks, hopefully before it's available on Amazon!
There is a CD inside the back cover of this book, as there was in the first Altered Photo Artistry. This time, in addition to the trial version of Photoshop Elements, there are displacement maps, textures, and brushes Lori and I developed in our own studio! Very cool—no one else has them!
In my opinion displacement maps are a fabulous tool for altering that very few quilt artists know about. See if you agree with me!