Yesterday was DH's and my 14 year and 11 month anniversary. Yes, we celebrate by the month! He started this when we were first married. It is so sweet, setting one day a month aside to remember what it is I love and respect about him—and why we got married.
This wedding remembrance is the class sample from the Lace Collage class I taught at Quilt Festival last week.
The class was almost full, much to my surprise. With all the attention on art quilts, I wasn't sure anyone was still interested in vintage images, old lace, and buttons. What a nice surprise!
This workshop will be part of the offerings for guilds and shops in 2009. So, if your guild is interested, please let me know.
As the 2009 and 2010 (!) calendars fill, I am grateful for the opportunity to make a living doing something I love so much!