And the winner is … Terri Head Moose!!
Terri, please contact me with your snail-mail address so I can send the rust-dyed purse to you.

Sorry for the delay in announcing the winner, but we were without electricity and Internet service until yesterday evening. There is another storm coming in, so who knows how long we’ll be warm and able to communicate!

The trees are all coated with ice and they make an odd sound when the strong winds blow through, causing the branches to collide. Service crews are working 16-hour shifts to restore power to as many of the 160,000+ households as possible in our area without electricity. The power company is bringing crew members from Kentucky and Tennessee to help.
The Memorial Coliseum and assorted churches in town have opened their doors to anyone without power. I can’t imagine the angst parents are experiencing with children going through withdrawal from computer and video games!
Predictions are for yet another storm mid week, making plans for holiday travel and family dinners tenuous at best. We’ll all get through this and it will make for amusing family stories in the future. But it really isn’t much fun in the here and now!