I'm having way too much fun in Minneapolis! My rusting buddy Janis and I visited the Farmer's Market. What an incredible place! I've never seen a Farmer's Market as large as this one.

Aisle after aisle of fresh vegetables, beautiful flowers, baskets, jewelry, clothing, cheeses, baked goods, hand-crafted soaps, organic herbs, meats—and the smell of roasting corn on the cob. Yum!

The ethnic diversity in Minneapolis certainly captured my imagination. Entire neighborhoods with restaurants, groceries, and specialty shops devoted to the heritage group. Janis and I visited a yarn shop in a Somali neighborhood. We definitely don't have that at home. It was fascinating!

Janis surprised me with a selection of her hand-crafted herbal soaps. What a treat! Thanks bunches Janis!
Tomorrow DH and I head home. It will be a long drive, but my head is swimming with ideas and "What if?" questions.
I'll be working on what I expect will be the next blog entry. It's about perspectives on art and respect for art. This has been turning around in my head for three days.