This is my buddy Chance. He was born early one morning on the farm of a friend. During these weeks of working on my mom's house I'd slip away and drive to the farm, affectionately known as The Poodle Ranch. It's only 20 minutes or so away, but driving into the country with the windows open and the breezes blowing through the car made it feel like the other side of the world.
Feeding the horses, playing with the dogs, and getting away refreshed me and helped me feel connected again.
The appraiser came to Mom's yesterday to evaluate the estate contents. It is a relief to reach that milestone. The next step is to get the house ready for DS Jake to move in. A little paint, a new window, cleaning the carpets and we'll be ready.

How many head of poodle are there? These are a few of the house dogs out for a run in the sun. They love to annoy the horses in the corral next to their play area. Way in the back of this photo is Emma (the red head). She is not a poodle, but a miniature pincer. She was hit by a car and is recovering from multiple injuries, including a broken front right leg and an amputated back left leg. She will return home after recuperating at the Poodle Ranch.