The drawing tomorrow for the beautiful dichroic-glass pendant to benefit breast cancer research will be tomorrow and there are only TWO names in the hat!!
You could have a really good chance to win it! Just leave a comment and the name will be drawn tomorrow.
BTW: Art Now For Autism is over and raised more than $4,000 for the cause. Claudine Intner did a wonderful job of organizing the auction and I would like to thank her for the opportunity to contribute to the cause in some small way.
I'm getting ready for a benefit auction on Saturday for the Mental Health Association here in Fort Wayne. 27 artists have committed to creating pieces on site during the day. The pieces will be auctioned at a gala event in the evening. I'm so blessed to be able to contribute in this way!! Stay tuned; background tests are being conducted today, the focus composition is complete, and a test print has been made. Can't wait to see it all come together!