Studio partner Lori and I took 19 pieces to Sozo yesterday. Although Kendallville is less than an hour from my studio, I was not aware of the studio/gallery until a contact at the Fort Wayne Museum of Art (FWMoA) passed along some information about an upcoming fiber show.

To make a long story a little shorter, the owner Peggy Tassler is a fabulous portrait painter who works in oils, but is open to other media as well. Her busy shop has an after-school art program for children and provides a number of services, including portraits and faux finishes for commerical and residential customers. It’s amazing and encouraging that this small town can support an art studio and gallery. Hooray for Kendallville!

This is a scene inside the gallery during the take down of a photography show and getting ready for the fiber show. There will be an open house with a live demo of my Threadography techniques on April 23 from 6:30 to 9:00 EST. So, if you’re in the area, please stop by!
Sozo will also be hosting our Joys of Rust Dyeing workshop Friday, June 5th!